Our 100% plant-based liners make cleaning up a number two super simple and can help prevent rash creams and ointments from ruining the fabric’s absorbency.
Simply place one liner on top of the nappy next to baby’s skin. The liner will catch solid poo and can easily be disposed of in bin (please do not flush). Moisture travels through the liner and gets absorbed by the inserts, therefore it is important not to fold liners or use multiple sheets as this prevents quick absorption by the cloth nappy. You can wash and reuse the liner if your baby has only done a wee but be aware that the liner will break down after a couple of washes since it is biodegradable.
Although we 100% understand the use of liners this way, we want you to be aware that solid poo should be going in the sewage system and not to landfill, because human waste turns toxic when it goes to landfill. Therefore, it’s best to hold the liner above the toilet before disposal. Did you know that even with disposable diapers you should be putting the poo in the toilet? This is one of the most unknown facts in the history of parenting.
First help by weaning/teething poo
Sometimes dealing with poo with cloth nappies is very simple and much easier than disposable nappies, and then there are times when it is awful. During weaning and teething, the trick is to hold the cloth nappy in the flow of the flush to blast the poo off the nappy. Hold the clean end and keep hands out the way, but be careful not to drop the nappy into the loo 😉